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  • Tyagal, Patan, Lalitpur


Welcome to my page! I am Zipaktli XLahun aka The iLLAgator. Here I will explore an uncensored path of blogging and journaling simply because I really enjoy sorting things out in my mind and expressing myself when it comes to different subjects. After much thought as to why even create this platform, I came to the realization that exercising my journaling is one in the same with exercising my individuality.

In the battlefield that is the internet/virtual/digital world there is a vantage point that only I can see. Expressing myself with no reservations is an act of self love and freedom.

Amongst the many commutes, homeworks, meetings and family duties I choose to create this space for me because it’s good for me in mind, body and spirit. As long as I keep exploring my creativity, I have nothing to fear when it comes to navigating this sea of information that is the matrix.

So, here we go! Expect movie, music and book reviews as well as streaming recommendations and social commentary on various topics and personal anecdotes from the path that have led me here.

I hope you all enjoy this space and chime in with some thoughts and comments to keep the conversation flowing. Thank you for your consideration and your time.